About Me
Emma Sadjo
Hello, my name is Emma Sadjo. I'm a recent graduate from the Human Centered Design and Engineering program at the University of Washington. I am a UX Designer with a passion for inclusive and accessible design and interests that branch into user research and human-computer interaction.
During my time in university and beyond, I believe it's important to develop interdisciplinary knowledge outside of my UX Design concentration to better understand the diversity of people we design for and the sociotechnical systems at play, while working to create products and services for them through the design process. To this end, I have pursued courses in Disability Studies and Interdisciplinary Honors to expand my knowledge of underrepresented populations and challenge assumptions I hold. In the process, I've deepened my understanding of ableism and social justice framework, and how these tie into accessibility and inclusive design. I've also learned about the intersection of identity, discrimination, and violence minorities experience and its effects on health.
I have had opportunities to work through the design process multiple times, through courses, hackathons, and an internship. I enjoy working through each stage, and collaborating with other experts to ideate and iterate towards a final design. I love interacting with users, whether it's learning about their experiences, or observing users' thought processes when interacting with a product or service we're testing.
I find beauty in both the minutia and the big picture of design work. Attention to small details can become those "delighters" that top off an experience for users. Zooming out to the bigger picture, it is exciting to realize that a service or product you contribute to can positively impact the lives of many people at scale.
If you would like to learn more about me, I would love to chat!